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게임 유통 커머스 서비스업 기타 외국계 유니콘

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 2,640회 작성일 21-07-20 07:23


외국계 패션 스타트업 eCommerce Lead (유니콘 기업)

미국계 패션 스타트업에서 'eCommerce Lead'를 모시고 있습니다. (미국 본사캘리포니아)

한국 런칭 멤버로 조인하실퍼포먼스 마케팅 경험이 풍부하며 영어 능통하신 분들의 많은 관심 부탁 드립니다.

- Manager
 (Director 레벨까지 가능)

외국계 스타트업이므로 연배보다는 실제 업무를 할 수 있는실무 및 A부터 Z까지 스스로 할 수 있는 것이 중요합니다

보고라인미국 본사 Head (보고라인이 전부 외국인이므로연배는 크게 중요하지 않습니다)  
연봉 수준협의 (경쟁력 있는 처우 제공)
런칭 멤버로 초기 조직 세팅 경험 우대

근무지서울 (지역 미정)


Where we need help

We will launch Korea online first this year, we are now looking to find an experienced eCommerce Manager who will lead the development of the Korean eCommerce strategy, implement marketing campaigns and develop clear performance tracking techniques.


What does the job entail?

You will own the creation and execution of a Korean eCommerce strategy which may involve agency partners, team recruitment and development and without doubt, great leadership!

The role will grow to cover the Korea launch and will continue to play a lead role in Korea expansion.


What kind of person are we looking for?

 Passionate about eCommerce and curious to find new ways to improve performance and storytelling

 Expertise in performance tracking including eCommerce metrics and google analytics

 Proven expertise in Korea performance marketing

 Influential and inspiring, can lead external partners to achieve high performance

 Track record of building consumer centric experience

• Results-oriented, can dig into details while keeping an eye on what truly matters

 Scrappy, know how to get a lot done efficiently without endless resources

 Self-directed, dont need or want a lot of over-the-shoulder management

 Fun-loving, take your work seriously, but dont take yourself too seriously


More practical skills needed:

 BA/BS or equivalent

 Minimum of 5+ years professional experience (must include DTC)

 Skilled in Google Analytics

 Experience with Shopify helpful

 Expert in Microsoft Office and Google Drive

 Advanced Excel skills




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