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채용 분야 공고

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제조업 [반도체, 제약의료기기, 자동차,식품] BorgWarner

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 1,802회 작성일 23-03-14 18:51


[ 기업소개 ]

BorgWarner는 1880년 설립되어 Engine 및 Drivetrain 분야의 기술을 선도해 온 Global 기업으로, 특히 1940년대 자동변속기를 최초로 개발하였습니다. 현재는 북미, 남미, 유럽, 아시아 등 총 17개국에 연구소 및 공장을 가동하고 있으며, 전 세계 자동차 업계에서 최고 수준의 성장을 기록하고 있습니다. 2015년 Remy의 인수를 통해 탄생한 보그워너PDS는 자동차 전장 부품의 핵심인 Starter와 Alternator를 생산하여, 현대, GM, 쌍용 및 세계 유수의 자동차 Marker에게 납품하고 있습니다.

업무내용 [Reliably delivering what’s needed today] 

There are few challenges as important today as creating solutions that support a cleaner, more energy-efficient world. This requires a commitment to constantly improve the transportation of people and things. We, at BorgWarner, made that commitment decades ago and have since been creating technologies to improve efficiency, emissions and performance in all types of vehicles. [Constantly pursuing what’s next] Our proven track record has made us industry leader in clean, energy-efficient propulsion system solutions for combustion, hybrid and electric vehicles. We uncover strong trends and use smart science and technology to address a future based on varying regulations, consumer demands and automaker requirements. [Product leadership that’s changing the world] Our employees have earned trusted partnerships with customers and suppliers around the world. We leverage these relationships to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges at hand and then do what it takes to develop the next solution. Our strong operations and commercialization expertise result in high volume availability of competitive, efficient products that truly drive change. In this role, and under direct supervision of the HR Manager, the HR Generalist will be primarily responsible for the HR function in PDS Changnyeong, including Compensation & Benefits and etc. 필요요건 [Key Accountabilities:] • C&B Project support and other assigned related tasks • Be responsible for monthly payroll calculation • Assist to take part in annual marketing salary survey • Assist to take part in annual compensation structure • Be responsible for Korea HR data monthly tracking and analysis report • Provides administrative support to the Changnyeong Leadership Team, global leaders and directors. • Coordinates global communications • Participates in developing employee careers and communications [Education & Experience] • Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration is preferred. • 5+ years of related experience fast paced diversified manufacturing environment (automotive preferred) • Good knowledge & experience in HR practices including C&B etc. • Strong written and verbal communication skills are required • The ability to build strong relationships and establish strong interpersonal connections at all levels of the organization • Strong quantitative, analytical, and problem-solving skills with exceptional attention to detail • The ability to maintain confidentiality and exercise discretion when managing sensitive employee information • Thorough knowledge of labor laws and regulation • The ability to work in a fast-paced environment with demonstrated ability to manage multiple competing tasks and demands 


[BorgWarner Competencies:] • Interpersonal Savvy • Manages Complexity • Drive Results • Action Oriented • Nimble Learning • Optimizes Work • Informing • Priority Setting • Functional/Technical Skills [What we believe] • Inclusion-We value diversity in people, ideas, and experiences. • Integrity- We believe in transparency, authenticity, and depend on each other to deliver what we promise. • Excellence- We contribute to our developments by seeking knowledge and sharing information. • Responsibility- We care about our local communities and the global environment. • Collaboration- We are one BorgWarner. 

 나이 조건 28세(1996년생) ~ 36세(1988년생) 경력 연수 2년 이상 ~ 6년


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