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채용 분야 공고

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제조업 [반도체, 제약의료기기, 자동차,식품] Global HR

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 1,984회 작성일 22-10-18 15:53


주식회사 루닛인사담당자 연락처
기업구분  ico_qst.png: 중소기업(벤처기업)

업무내용[Job Description]
- Implement, evaluate, improve, and operate Lunit’s Global HR strategies and policies according to each country’s characteristics and local law compliance
- Review and improve the GHR operation systems according to the overseas corporation establishment (EU, US, and other countries)
- Evaluate, improve, and operate selection of Expatriate management strategies (C&B)
- Handle problems and situations stemming from overseas locations
- In consultation with the legal department, resolve intricate employee relations matters in a just and objective manner
- Take an active role in all aspects of the recruiting process for overseas recruiting, including negotiating salaries with the candidates and onboarding
- Manage and improve the global recruiting pipeline

[Job Requirements]
- 5 to 8 years of experience in global HR
- Solid working knowledge in global HR functions including compensation, benefits, employee relations, and global HR planning/application/operation
- Experience in creating an effective overseas benefits package that is responsive to organizational needs in a changing environment
- Extensive knowledge on international employment laws and ability to advise on laws and regulations affecting HR practices
- Experience in working with cross functional teams in a fast-paced environment
- Actively solve and improve problems necessary for the development process and does not limit the work area
- Care passionately about doing work that helps your team members and others
- Ability to be flexible and adapt to different working styles, environments, and situations
- Ability to effectively communicate with others and closely listen to team members’ ideas
- Strong written and verbal communication in English and Korean

[Preferred Experiences]
- Experience in supporting overseas branch/entity set-up
- Experience in IT or healthcare fields
- Strong analytical and documentation skills

[Additional Information]
- 경력여부: 5년 이상 8년 이하의 경력
- 급여사항: 면접 후 협의
- 고용형태: 정규직
- 근무지: 서울 강남구 Lunit HQ

[Guidelines for Applicants]
- 채용 과정: Document Screening → Competency-based Interview → Culture-fit Interview → Onboarding
- 마감일: 채용시까지

[The Others]


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