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게임 유통 커머스 서비스업 기타 외국계 소비재

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 2,762회 작성일 21-04-18 12:30


Company :외국계 초우량 소비재 기업

Open Position: Sales Data Analyst [대리~차장급]

<,Job Description>

영업 관련 데이터 분석을 통해 영업부의 비즈니스 컨설팅에 도움을 주는 역할을 하는 자리입니다.
통계 툴 사용에 능숙하고 분석경력이 강한 분


The Role

Our Data Analysts are primarily responsible for providing timely, accurate, and comprehensive data and analytics findings. They use their technical, business, and communication skills to help make decisions that enhance distributor and customer experience.


·         Set analytics priorities in key Sales initiatives. Translate business questions into appropriate analytical projects that will inform strategic and tactical business decisions.

·         Support establishing success metrics and measurement plans that explain the incremental impact of the sales initiatives.

·         Understand Business Consultant’s work environment and provide analytics support in preparing calls to their LGS accounts.

·         Help Business Consultants stay up to date with the business status of their accounts by developing reports.

·         Deep dive into distributor, order and bonus related data sets to identify and communicate implications/insights to senior management and cross functional stakeholders for better decision making.

·         Operate seamlessly between being a business-savvy internal consultant and a highly technical business intelligence analyst.

·         Collaborate with peer data analysts to work on cross-functional projects to develop insights.

·         Participate in ad hoc projects to deliver analytics findings.

·         Utilize a variety of software solutions to extract and analyze data.

·         Utilize statistics and data visualization skills to report on results of on-going operations and projects, as required.


The ideal candidate will have:

·         A bachelor's degree, preferably with combined studies in statistics, business administration and information systems.

·         5-10 years of experience in Data Analytics, Business Intelligence or CRM.

·         Strong analytical skills and demonstrated ability to turn detailed data analysis into useful strategic insight in order to make appropriate recommendations to the business.

·         Familiarity with statistical and machine learning methods.

·         Ability to query large databases (using SQL or SAS, etc.).

·         Proficiency in MS Office suite particularly with MS Excel.

·         Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

·         Business fluency in English and Korean.

·         Eagerness to learn and collaborate with others.

·         Customer focused mindset.

·         Ability to work under pressure and in a frequently changing environment.


We will love to see:

·         Deep understanding of statistics and data modeling.

·         Demonstrated project or work experience using one or more programming/scripting languages (e.g. SQL, SAS, R, Python).

·         Experience using data visualization tools such as Tableau or Power BI.


제출서류 및 제출기한

1.     제출기한 : ASAP

2.     제출서류국문이력서(사진포함), 국문자기소개서경력기술서(Word양식)



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